Working at Eevery: Meet our Head of Sales Marc

Our Head of Sales, Marc de Ronde, is 30 years old and has over 5 years of experience in various commercial roles. Now, he is fully prepared to use his experiences to help SMEs become more sustainable. In the short time Marc has been with us, he has already become an essential member of our Eevery team and a true sustainability expert.

Marc began his career at Red je Pakketje, later known as Instabox, a delivery service committed to sustainable shipping. This is where his passion for sustainability began, initially focused on logistics and e-commerce. Marc shares his experiences as Head of Sales at Eevery in this interview and offers a behind-the-scenes look.

What was your main reason for joining Eevery, and does it meet your expectations?

Working at a startup has always appealed to me, and at Eevery, I immediately saw how ambitious the team is. What particularly attracted me to Eevery's mission is that I truly feel I can mobilise companies and effect real change. Contributing to a sustainable future for Netherlands and UK businesses resonated with me. I’ve also always had great admiration for entrepreneurs. In my role at Eevery, I spend my days talking with business owners, from whom I can learn a lot. The biggest companies are often already actively engaged in sustainability because they are required to do so by law and regulations. SMEs often want to become more sustainable but aren’t sure where to start. It's incredibly rewarding to have these conversations and explore the steps they can take. The role meets my expectations, and it's fascinating to help SMEs start their sustainability journey. Eevery is very well-equipped to guide these companies in taking their first steps.

What does sustainability mean to you, and how do you see this reflected in your work at Eevery?

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important. Many companies immediately think of the environment when it comes to sustainability. While this is crucial, sustainability encompasses much more than just the environment. For example, consider the social aspect: how do businesses treat their employees, suppliers, and customers? So, sustainability includes not only Environmental and Social aspects but also Economic aspects and Governance. These elements are integrated into our platform, allowing us to help companies easily measure and improve their sustainability across all these areas. It’s incredibly interesting to discuss this with businesses daily.

What does your workday look like, and which tasks do you enjoy?

The interesting thing about sustainability is that it's dynamic, constantly offering opportunities for further improvement. This is what I enjoy about my workday. One day, I'm meeting with a company that's just starting its sustainability journey, and the next, I'm collaborating with a company that's already actively improving its sustainable approach. In conversations with these companies, I try to understand what they are already doing and how Eevery can best support them. Additionally, I maintain contact with our existing clients. With them, I discuss how they are currently using the platform and help them where needed to get the most out of it. What I enjoy most is reviewing clients' results on the platform together and discussing how they can apply the suggested improvements. It’s very satisfying to discuss with a partner which changes can quickly and effectively impact their business's sustainability. It's rewarding to see actual improvements in their sustainability, bringing us one step closer to our goal.

How do you contribute to Eevery's mission and vision as Head of Sales?

At Eevery, we have a clear and challenging mission. By 2033, we aim to have measured and improved the ESG impact of more than 100,000 businesses. The commercial team plays a crucial role in this. It's our job to engage with companies daily and explore how we can help them become more sustainable. Larger companies are often required to report their sustainability efforts, but SMEs are not always obliged. This makes supporting these companies early on even more valuable by helping them measure, improve, and communicate their sustainability efforts.

How would you describe the culture and atmosphere at Eevery?

Working at Eevery means being part of a small, eager, and ambitious team where everyone works towards the same goal. Since we currently work with a small team, everyone is closely connected, and we communicate quickly. This enables you to be very aware of what’s happening within the company, making you feel closely tied to the business and involved in all developments. This creates an active and engaging working environment.

What advice would you give companies that want to start with sustainable business practices?

Determining where to begin can sometimes be difficult when companies want to start with sustainable business practices. It can often be effective to start with small steps that greatly impact your company's sustainability. Many companies find it challenging to focus on what truly matters and to identify the most impactful actions. At Eevery, we help you take concrete steps quickly and focus on the most relevant and impactful improvements. This way, your company becomes more sustainable, step by step.

Maybe you’ll soon be joining Marc's team! If a commercial role isn't quite the right fit for you, we also have other opportunities at Eevery. Check out our vacancies or send in an open application. Curious about another experience? Discover the story of the working student, Florentine.

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