The website places cookies. This happens when you visit the website. Cookies are small text files that have been placed on a PC, tablet or telephone. They are used to improve the functioning of the Eevery website and to measure website visits. Eevery does not use this data at individual or computer level and can not trace this data to a PC or individual.

On this page you will find our cookie policy and a list of cookies that are placed by

At we use the following cookies:

Functional cookies

Necessary cookies: in order to be able to surf properly through the website, we use cookies. Examples of functional cookies: Your PC remembers that you are logged in when you have an account on this site.

Cookie Type Posted by Function
wordpress_sec Functional WordPress cookie
wordpress_logged_in Functionele WordPress cookie to remember that you are logged.
wordpress_test_cookie Functionele Cookie used to check whether permission has been given to placing cookies.
wp-settings-time Functionele WordPress cookie to save the time. For logged-in users.
tk_ai Functionele Stores a randomly-generated anonymous ID. This is only used within the admin area and is used for general analytics tracking.

Cookies for website statistics Google

At we use a system (Google Analytics) to analyze which pages are best visited, via which browser people surf (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc), through which channels our website is found etcetera . On this basis we can improve the site and the performance.

We anonymize the data in Google Analytics and do not share the data from Google analytics with other Google products, their employees or other third parties.

_ga analytical Google Analytics Is placed to distinguish users from each other
_gid analytical Google Analytics Is placed to distinguish between the sugars


If you prefer to block the Analytics script completely, you can download an optout plugin for Google Analytics here: With this plugin your visit no longer counts in the statistics of all websites using Google Analytics.

Cookies for website statistics Hubspot

__hstc tracking Hubspot To store time of visit
intercom-session analytical Hubspot To store the ID of your session
ajs_user_id analytical Hubspot To store the unique ID of the user
_gcl_au tracking Hubspot To store and track conversions
ajs_anonymous_id analytical Hubspot To store the anonymous ID of the user
hubspotutk tracking Hubspot To store and track a visitor's identity
__hssrc analytical Hubspot This cookie is to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser session

Cookies from external parties

We use content from other sites. We use embedded Youtube videos. On the pages where we display Youtube videos, cookies are placed when you have given permission to place cookies.

In addition, we use embedded content from and On the page where we show the and widget cookies are placed by and

Cookies posted by

1P_JAR These cookies are used by Google to display customized ads on Google sites based on recent searches and previous interactions.
APISID Used by Google to store preferences.
CONSENT Cookie used to check whether permission has been given to placing cookies
HSID, SID Google uses cookies called “SID” and “HSID” that contain digitally signed and encrypted records of a user’s Google Account ID and the most recent logon time. The combination of these two cookies allows us to block many types of attacks, such as attempts to steal the content of forms that you enter on web pages.
S this is a unique ID used by Google applications to store user preferences.
SAPISID allows Google to collect usage information for videos hosted by YouTube.
OGPC Cookie used by Google Maps to measure use of Google maps
SAPISID allows Google to collect usage information for videos hosted by YouTube.
SIDCC Security cookie to protect user data against unauthorized access
SSID allows Google to collect usage information for videos hosted by YouTube.
_ga Used to distinguish users.
_gid Used to distinguish users.
__utma This cookie keeps track of the number of times a visitor has been to the site pertaining to the cookie, when their first visit was, and when their last visit occurred.
__utmc __utmc takes a timestamp of the exact moment in time when a visitor leaves a site.
__utmz __utmz keeps track of where the visitor came from, what search engine you used, what link you clicked on, what keyword you used, and where they were in the world when you accessed a website.
OTZ This cookie from Google Analytics links your activity to other devices that you have previously logged into via your Google Account. Based on this, the ads you see on your devices

Cookiesplaced by

At Eevery we use Hubspot, amarketing automation system to send mailings and offer downloads. Hubspotcookies store which pages you have visited and we see this reflected inHubspot. This happens after you have left your details in a contact form and ifyou have given permission to place cookies.

You can findout which cookies Hubspot places exactly here:

Cookiesplaced by

At we use Hotjar, apowerful analysis tool that displays the online behavior of website visitors.Cookies from Hotjar store which pages you have visited and we see thisreflected in Hotjar.

You can findout which cookies Hotjar places exactly here:

Do you want towithdraw your consent to cookies? Then you can do so via the following link:

Reset cookieconsent


Cookie settings

Below you can choose which kind ofcookies you allow on this website. Click on the "Save cookiesettings" button to save your choice.

FunctionalOur website uses functionalcookies. These cookies are necessary to let our website work.

AnalyticalOur website uses analyticalcookies to make it possible to analyze our website and optimize for the purposeof a.o. the usability.

Social mediaOur website places social mediacookies to show you 3rd party content like YouTube and FaceBook. These cookiesmay track your personal data.

OtherOur website places 3rd partycookies from other 3rd party services which aren't Analytical, Social media orAdvertising.

Save cookie settings

Even if the cookies do not storepersonal information, it may be that you do not want your visit to be followed.It is possible to disable the storing of cookies in your browser. Please note,disabling cookies only affects the computer and browser on which you performthis operation. If you use multiple computers and / or browsers, you mustrepeat this operation as often as necessary!

Turn off cookies:

Turn off advertising cookies only:

If you donot want to allow third-party cookies, you can opt out by using the so-calledopt-out scheme Youronline choices.

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London, W1W 5PF

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Kabelweg 37
1014 BA Amsterdam



