The platform to manage your client’s sustainability

Use Eevery to manage your client's sustainability. Verify and advise them in line with international frameworks. Eevery is the sme sustainability reporting tool.

how it works
Use the specialised accountancy platform to manage your portfolio
Eevery translates client data into manageable information, showing you exactly what is important and valuable.
Offer your clients access to our sustainability platform and build your portfolio. They can measure, improve and communicate their ESG performance. Generate reports, perform analyses and compare your SME clients. Through benchmarking, you can demonstrate your positive impact and support sustainability within SMEs.
Build your portfolio
Develop an ESG advisory, reporting and audit service
Insight into sustainability and carbon emissions of clients
Verify and advise
Gain real-time access to your client’s environment, enabling you to understand their sustainability performance. Provide personal and customised advice and ensure compliance.
Support clients in relationships with customers, lenders or investors.
Incorporate ESG into corporate finance and due diligence
Aligned to CSRD, GRI, SDGs and EU Taxonomy
Possible validation of ESG assessments
Design your environment and that of your customers according to your corporate branding. Provide a seamless transition between your own products and our platform thereby guaranteeing a complete brand experience
Enjoy your personalised branding
Provide a seamless transition between your own services
Not sure what’s best for your business?
Schedule a conversation with us for an introduction, no strings attached.
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What your SME clients gain
View SME platform features
See how you can manage your client’s sustainability

Use Eevery to verify and advise your client portfolio on sustainability, in line with international frameworks.

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Become part of the solution
Eevery offers a complete sustainability solution at an attractive price. Contact us now for an introduction, no strings attached. Begin your ESG journey today.
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