How do you create support for sustainability within your company?

Sustainability is essential for companies that want to be future-proof. But how do you ensure that sustainability is not just a document but actually comes to life within your company? Creating support for sustainability is a strategic challenge that requires both leadership and the involvement of all employees. In this blog, you will find tips on integrating sustainability into your company and taking concrete steps.

Engage the team

Change is only successful if the decision-makers within the company support it, whether that’s you and your colleagues or an entire team. Ensure that the decision-makers assist in setting sustainability goals and actively contribute to their implementation. Their commitment should be visible and compelling. Leaders need to set a good example, demonstrate dedication, and be regularly updated on the progress of the sustainability plans.

Create awareness and knowledge

One of the biggest obstacles to achieving sustainability is a lack of knowledge. When employees are not well-informed about sustainability, it can lead to misunderstandings and a lack of enthusiasm. A well-informed team is, therefore, essential for success. Start by gathering information on relevant sustainability topics. For example, read our blogs to learn more about the various aspects of sustainability (Environmental, Social, Governance) and deepen your knowledge. Whether you want to learn more about international sustainability legislation (GRI, ESRS, CSRD, SDG) or specific topics like CO2 emissions, we are here to answer your questions.

Also, use available knowledge resources such as (or newsletters from) ESG today or EFRAG news. A well-informed team is better equipped to understand and support sustainable initiatives.

Make sustainability concrete and manageable

Sustainability can sometimes seem abstract. Therefore, in addition to gathering knowledge, it is essential first to measure where your company currently stands. This provides a clear starting point. Next, you can define concrete, measurable actions that are easy to understand and follow. Make it manageable by starting with small, achievable steps and gradually building on them. For example, you could start by implementing hybrid work options or offering a commuting allowance to improve employee satisfaction. Achieving small goals motivates and makes the path to larger sustainability goals easier. Other examples of concrete actions include introducing a waste separation programme in the office to encourage recycling or educating employees about sustainability and environmental awareness. You could also consider energy-saving measures, such as replacing traditional lighting with LED lights or installing motion sensors to reduce energy consumption.

Highlight the benefits

Sustainable business practices offer benefits for your company and employees. It is important to emphasise these benefits when introducing sustainability within your company. Sustainability brings financial advantages, such as cost savings through lower energy consumption and more efficient use of resources. In addition, it enhances your company’s image and integrity. Moreover, sustainability attracts new talent, especially younger generations who value corporate social responsibility. This can lead to an innovative and motivated work environment. Sustainable business practices can also contribute to innovation and new market opportunities, increasing revenue and profitability.

Would you like to know more about sustainable business practices or make a start? Eevery can help you set practical and relevant sustainability goals. Start making an impact today and get in touch with us.

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