Working at Eevery: The experience of working student Bas

Bas Bosman is our 23-year-old working student who started with Eevery in January of this year. He is pursuing a Master's in Complex Systems Engineering and Management at TU Delft and lives in Amsterdam. Bas has learned a lot and developed in various areas in just a few months, making him a fully-fledged member of our Eevery team. Below, he will share his experience as a working student at Eevery and provide a behind-the-scenes look.

1. What was the main reason for you to apply to us and does working with us meet your expectations?

During my Bachelor's in Technical Business Administration in Groningen, I discovered that sustainability is a topic that I hold in high regard. When I moved back to the Randstad, I thought it would be a good idea to further explore this interest. Fortunately, during this search, I quickly came across Eevery. Eevery appealed to me greatly because I felt that my work directly adds value to the world. I believe that sustainability starts with the ordinary entrepreneur and that many people want to become more sustainable but don't know how to do it. That's why I'm glad we can convince people to become more sustainable and transfer the necessary knowledge.Because the teams at Eevery are small, you get a taste of everything. For example, I notice that as a working student within the technical field, I also learn a lot from Sales and Marketing, including the value of LinkedIn. These are aspects I didn't know much about. This contributes greatly to my own development.ESG is a very popular theme today and it is developing daily. This way, you learn something new every week and you are aware of all the important developments in the field of sustainability.

2. What does your typical working day look like and what tasks do you enjoy?

I work two days a week with the Product team. I mainly focus on the development of our platform. For example, I come up with questions together with my colleagues based on current and new sustainability regulations, and I work with the IT team to fix errors (bugs) on the platform.

Since the laws and regulations are constantly changing or being tightened, I learn a lot and it helps me gain insight into how these regulations are applied in the business world.

I also work closely with the IT team to test any potential new features on our platform. This work is very diverse, so no day is the same. That makes it very interesting.

3. As a working student, how do you contribute to Eevery's mission and vision?

Eevery's mission and vision is to help SMEs become more sustainable. In this regard, transferring knowledge is very important, so that it's possible for everyone to become more sustainable. By being directly involved in the development and updates of the platform, I contribute directly to the transfer of sustainability knowledge to SMEs.

4. How would you describe the culture and atmosphere within Eevery?

The atmosphere within Eevery is very good. We are a very diverse team and everyone treats each other with respect. The team is also very close-knit, which is certainly noticeable during team outings. Despite all the fun, there's of course hard work. Because the team is relatively small, there's always work to do. This makes working at Eevery both challenging and motivating.

5. Can you give us an example of a project you are proud of and how did you tackle it?

Together with the Product and IT team, I've implemented the new Biodiversity Standard from GRI. This is immediately visible to our customers when they perform a sustainability measurement or receive concrete improvement advice. For this, I had to convert complex regulations into understandable language. This positively challenged me a great deal.

6. What opportunities are there at Eevery to develop yourself further?

At Eevery, there are many opportunities for development. First and foremost, it is very educational to work at a startup. You learn what it's like to work in a company that is constantly changing. Moreover, not everyone always has time to explain what you can do. This teaches you to take initiative and work independently.

In addition, you get a good view of all aspects of business life. After all, you work closely with IT professionals, sales managers, and product developers.

Eevery is a unique company that gives you the opportunity to develop yourself and help others. This not only makes you better but also makes the planet a bit cleaner and fairer.

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