SMEs and climate action: Lessons from the recent heatwave

The recent heatwave, ominously named "Cerberus", has served as a stark and sweltering reminder of the escalating climate crisis. With temperatures reaching unprecedented heights above 40 degrees Celsius in southern Europe and the United States, the call to arms for climate action has never been more urgent.

In this blog, we delve deeper into the impact of the heat wave, the role of SMEs in combating climate change, and provide practical tips for businesses to become more sustainable.

The Global Heatwave: A Wake-Up Call

From the ancient Acropolis in Athens to the modern cityscape of Phoenix, Arizona, the world has been grappling with record-breaking temperatures. The heatwave has left tourists seeking shade, locals desperate for respite, and businesses grappling with productivity losses. A recent study revealed a staggering statistic: as many as 61,000 people may have died in Europe due to the sweltering heat last summer.

The Impact on Businesses: More Than Just a Heatwave

The heatwave is more than just a weather phenomenon; it's a business disruptor. Take the construction sector, for instance. Laws oblige employers to offer workers frequent water breaks, shaded rest areas, and even suspend work if temperatures hit specified high levels. This not only affects productivity but also increases operational costs. For example, a construction company in Phoenix had to shift its working hours to early morning and late evening, leading to increased overtime pay and disrupted project timelines.However, the impact of climate change on businesses extends beyond just heat waves. It's about the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events - from floods to wildfires, droughts to storms. These events can disrupt supply chains, damage infrastructure, and increase insurance costs. For instance, a small coffee shop in a flood-prone area might face supply chain disruptions due to heavy rainfall affecting coffee bean harvests.

SMEs and Climate Action: The Power of Small Businesses

As Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg rightly pointed out, these global heat records should serve as an urgent wake-up call. It's a call for all of us, including SMEs, to take action.SMEs, with their agility and innovative potential, can play a crucial role in the fight against climate change. They can adopt sustainable practices, such as reducing energy consumption, recycling, or sourcing locally produced goods. They can invest in green technologies, like installing solar panels or switching to electric vehicles. They can also contribute to the transition towards a low-carbon economy by offering green products or services.For example, a small clothing retailer could switch to using organic cotton, offer a clothes recycling program, and use renewable energy in their stores. These actions not only reduce their environmental impact but also appeal to increasingly eco-conscious consumers.

Eevery: Empowering SMEs to Make a Difference

At Eevery, we believe in the power of SMEs to make a difference. Our platform helps businesses measure, improve, and communicate their sustainability efforts. We provide practical tools to help you navigate the complexities of sustainability and make informed decisions.For instance, our carbon footprint calculator can help you understand your business's environmental impact. Our sustainability improvement plan offers actionable steps to reduce this impact. And our communication tools allow you to share your sustainability journey with your customers, enhancing your brand's reputation.

A Call to Action: Time for SMEs to Step Up

The scorching heat is a stark reminder of the urgency of the climate crisis. Let's take it as a call to action. It's time for SMEs to step up their sustainability game and contribute to a cooler, more sustainable future.Stay informed about the latest climate news and sustainable business practices. Subscribe now and join a community of small and medium-sized businesses committed to making a difference.


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