Here's how to put sustainability on the agenda: 5 tips

Research shows that almost 80% of SMEs want to take measures to become more sustainable. As a reader, you might share this view. However, now the challenge lies in convincing your colleagues and management to do so and getting sustainability on the agenda.

After all, sometimes it can take time and effort to persuade others to embrace your idea. Or, perhaps, more importantly, making sure they do not opt-out. Add to this the lack of knowledge about sustainability and ESG within SMEs, and the task becomes even more challenging. But, sustainability will be high on the agenda with the following tips.

1. Provide sufficient information

The lack of knowledge about the sustainable business within SMEs complicates the process. For instance, it increases the chances of misunderstandings and misinterpretation and hampers substantive discussion. Avoid dismissing the subject without knowing precisely what it entails. There is all kinds of information, often divided into different topics. We understand if you can't see the wood for the trees. Therefore, we recommend researching in advance which sustainability topic should be on your company's agenda and why.Check out in particular:

2. Involve senior management

No change comes about or lasts without the support and involvement of management. This could be the management team or several managers. So involve them in your plan or make sure you show commitment as a manager. Emotional involvement is important here. People feel perfect whether an initiative is actually supported or just for form's sake. If the latter is the case, topics end up in the bin rather than on the agenda.

3. Keep it close to the business

Initiatives are more likely to be embraced if it is familiar territory to some extent. This also applies to sustainability. Investigate, for example through an Impact Scan, what sustainability topics should be high on the agenda. Is this perhaps your carbon emissions, employee satisfaction or your supply chain? A relevant topic for your company ends up on the agenda faster than a distant one. It is also more likely to be successful and has a positive impact.

4. Small steps are also steps

Sustainability and ESG are abstract concepts. This makes it essential to make it concrete and manageable. Therefore, focus on small, achievable steps in the right direction and do not worry too much about the ultimate result. After all, many roads lead to Rome, and the city was not built in a day. With employee satisfaction as a theme, for instance, try to define concrete components that can improve satisfaction. Examples include hybrid working, diversity and inclusion, and secondary benefits.

5. Emphasise the benefits

Finally, sustainability comes with many benefits for businesses. Highlight these when you address sustainability. For example, it saves costs, promotes your company's image and integrity, attracts new (often young) talent and generates turnover.

With Eevery, you not only put sustainability on your company's agenda but you also have the complete solution for it right away. Measure, improve and communicate your sustainability using Eevery. A complete sustainability solution for SMEs.

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