Why does CSRD reporting consist of more than just the environment?

It has long been acknowledged that sustainability is crucial for the future of almost every sensible enterprise. This shift towards sustainability is driven by consumer demand, financial market requirements, and employee desires, leading many entrepreneurs to realize its significance. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) further underscores the need for a comprehensive sustainability approach in businesses.

However, sustainability is often misconceived as solely focused on climate and environment, overlooking other vital elements. The question arises: why does the CSRD encompass more than just climate concerns?The CSRD's various aspects must be integrated and understood for their importance.

CSRD Aspect: Environment

Sustainability is commonly associated with the climate and environment, focusing on the earth's longevity and preventing the depletion of natural resources for future generations.The environmental aspect of the CSRD goes beyond CO2 emissions and renewable resource usage, encompassing the entire ecosystem around a business. This includes responsible water use, waste management, air pollution control, soil degradation, and biodiversity conservation, aiming to balance resource consumption with their recovery rate. For instance, Dutch water management companies are leaders in sustainable water purification, showcasing how environmental innovation aligns with economic growth and the principles of CSRD.

CSRD Aspect: Social

Beyond environmental concerns, CSRD also emphasizes social entrepreneurship, highlighting fair labor conditions, diversity, inclusion, and community investment. In the Netherlands, many companies are adopting diversity policies, offering diversity training, creating opportunities for underrepresented groups, and partnering with equality-focused organizations.

This social pillar of CSRD reporting is vital as it holds companies accountable for their social impact, enhancing their reputation and fostering an inclusive society.

CSRD Aspect: Governance

Governance, the 'G' in ESG, is central to CSRD, mandating transparent, ethical, and responsible corporate actions. In the Netherlands, this includes adherence to anti-corruption policies and fair board appointment processes. Effective governance leads to sustainable decision-making, benefiting all stakeholders and building trust among investors, customers, and society.

CSRD Integration

Recognizing that CSRD reporting is more than an environmental guideline is key to a complete sustainability policy. This ESG regulation takes a broad approach, urging companies to be accountable for their environmental, social, and governance impacts. With the growing effects of climate change, it’s crucial to address social and governance issues as well, considering that different sustainability themes are material for different companies.

How Eevery Can Assist

Eevery offers an online platform to help businesses gain a comprehensive, objective understanding of their sustainability across all aspects. Aligning with the CSRD's perspective, Eevery's platform identifies relevant sustainability themes, enabling organized and effective sustainability implementation.


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